Parable Documentation

ORM Repository#

Repositories are intended as a way to easily work with collections straight from the database. It allows simple methods to query for ConditionSets by abstracting away the logic of setting up a Query instance yourself, by using Model instance to set up the query.

Basic Usage#

$repository = \Parable\ORM\Repository::createForModel($model);

// array of model instances
$all = $repository->getAll();

// array of model instances
$some = $repository->getByCondition("key", "LIKE", "value@%");

// single model instance
$one = $repository->getById(1337);


It's pretty easy to get models based on certain conditions. Repository::getByCondition() does this with a single condition, where you pass a key, a comparator and a value. It is a shorthand way of querying based on a single condition without having to set up a ConditionSet yourself.

$keystringThe key should match the property on the model (and by extension, the column name in the database).
$comparatorstringUsually this will be =, but can also be in, not in, like, not like, is null and is not null.
$valuemixedThe value to match with. In case of in or not in, this should be an array. In case of is null or is not null, this is unused.

Repository::getByConditionSet() is actually then called by Repository::getByCondition() with a ConditionSet built from the parameters you provided.

Multiple conditions#

For multiple conditions, it is necessary to use ConditionSet. They're pretty straightforward, however.

$userResult = $repository->getByConditionSet(
        ['id', '=', $id],
        ['username', '=', $username],

Using an AndSet allows simple conditions stringed together with AND. If you want to use OR, simply use buildOrSet instead.

Limit and Order By#

Repositories offer a way both limit (and use offset) and order by, just like the Query class. It simply sets these values on the query it stores. This does mean that if you're running multiple get calls on a Repository, you have to reset these values. This is pretty easy, however, by just calling reset(), which resets onlyCount, returnOne, the orderBy and the limit.


And then you can continue with your next get call.

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