Parable Documentation

Installing Parable#

Parable can be installed using Composer. Simply run the following:

$ composer require devvoh/parable

After this, Parable is ready to use. You have a choice of how to implement Parable. You can either use the default structure as provided by Parable, or come up with your own and use the components separately. The components outside of the \Parable\Framework namespace are intended to function by themselves and do not require the use of the default structure.

If you do want to use the default structure, which is a very loosely-defined structure anyway, you can get started by running the following command:

$ vendor/bin/parable init-structure

By default the 'public' directory is just called public. If you want to use a different directory than that (say, http_docs), you can do that by adding the --homedir option:

$ vendor/bin/parable init-structure --homedir=http_docs

Parable was built for Apache 2.x and works out of the box for that. If you want to use a different server package, such as nginx, you'll have to do some setup for the rewrites yourself.

There's also a way to serve Parable without a server package installed, which is useful for development and testing. This is done using the built-in php web server:

$ cd vendor/devvoh/parable
$ make server

This effectively runs the following command:

$ php -t ../../.. -S php-server.php

It'll then run on

The vendor/devvoh/parable/php-server.php contains some logic to fill in some of the gaps between the built-in web server and Apache.

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