Parable Documentation


\Parable\Console contains classes to build console applications with. Parable comes with an implementation of this in the form of vendor/bin/parable.

Example application#

You can try the following from your project's root directory:

// Require the Composer autoloader
require_once(realpath(__DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"));

/** @var \Parable\Console\App $app */
$app = \Parable\DI\Container::create(\Parable\Console\App::class);

$command = \Parable\DI\Container::create(\Parable\Console\Command\Help::class);



And then just call it like this:

$ php test.php help

If you want it to run a command without providing it specifically, you can set a default command like this:

// by command itself:

// or simply by name:

Check out the example HelloWorld command. Commands by themselves are pretty simple, but can be as complex as you want them to be. By default, as you can see in the parable script, a Console application requires some basic setup. This is because Console is built to be used outside of a Parable framework setup.

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