Parable Documentation


Inits are classes that are by default defined in the \Config\App class by adding them to the parable.inits key, and are loaded immediately after the config files are. They are intended to offer you a way of hooking into the framework events before anything else happens. This can help set up pre-routing logic or can be used to prepend/append header and footer views to the response (example of which below).

How they work#

Inits are simply instantiated. This means that implementing your logic in the constructor of the file is enough. You can make Inits as complex or simple as you'd like. You can either use one Init for every event, or a single, large class that has many sub-methods, or even loads other classes.

DI is used to instantiate Inits, do you can add dependencies to the constructor like any other class.


To use as an example, here's a way of prepending a header and appending a footer.

namespace Init;

class Main
    public function __construct(
        \Parable\Event\Hook $hook,
        \Parable\Framework\View $view,
        \Parable\Http\Response $response
    ) {
        // Prepend the header to the response
            function () use ($view, $response) {
                $content = $view->partial("app/View/Layout/header.phtml");

        // Append the footer to the response
            function () use ($view, $response) {
                $content = $view->partial("app/View/Layout/footer.phtml");

To understand the Hook logic, check out the page on events. The events being hooked into are default Parable events.

As soon as the Init is loaded, it'll be executed.

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